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short or long (Read 7996 times)
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short or long
May 11th, 2004 at 9:26pm
Should you use a short or long sling?
I know long has a greater range...
Is short any good?
huh, what...
which do you prefer and why?  Grin
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Re: short or long
Reply #1 - May 11th, 2004 at 9:31pm
actually it all depends on personal preference.  I like slings about as long as my arm when im holdiing the ends and strech the pouch towards me.  short slings are actually better for accuracy.  but ya know whatever floats your boat man.
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Re: short or long
Reply #2 - May 11th, 2004 at 9:32pm
Shorter slings are better for accuracy.
Longer slings are better for distance.
My "shorter" slings are from my finger to almost my armpit(or to my armpit).
The "longer" ones are generally 5-7inches longer.
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Slinging.org Administrator

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Re: short or long
Reply #3 - May 12th, 2004 at 1:25am
I find that shorter slings whip around to fast for me.  Longer slings have more resistance, and I find that works best for me.  Plus, I prefer ranged shots that close range accuracy.  I'm more of siege guy.  Smiley

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Re: short or long
Reply #4 - May 12th, 2004 at 2:40am
In the Balearic style, when I sling I take three slings; one short, about the length of my arm; one medium, from my outstretched finger to halfway down my upper arm on the opposite arm; and one long, which is basically my armspan.
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Milwaukee Wisconsin
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Re: short or long
Reply #5 - May 12th, 2004 at 10:32am
I'm with Chris.  I like the more "leisurely feel" of a long sling.  My long one is 43" from pocket-center to knot.   I had to shorten it from 46" because it was occasionally hitting the ground on windup.  My shorter one is 28".   Hondero will tell you that a short sling right-length is equal to the distance from your fingertip to your elbow, but I havent figured out how to make one that short work yet.   mgreenfield
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Legendary (Sort of) Slinger

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Re: short or long
Reply #6 - May 13th, 2004 at 12:26am
Hey!!!!!!!!!!!! I feel short Sad  My longsling is 28 inches!  Hehe...
My shortsling is 21 inches.
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Fly, stone, fly

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Re: short or long
Reply #7 - May 13th, 2004 at 4:30am
Donīt feel short Wink
The sling I use at the moment is 23".
Itīs good for accuracy!

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Re: short or long
Reply #8 - May 13th, 2004 at 9:56am
I think it's an individual preference. One is able to reach a great accuracy with a longer sling too. I read the relation of  eyewithness about the Iranian young highlander who was hitting almost constantly into a tossed tin. He was able to hit a human size object from the 100 m distance, 2-3 shots/1 hit. He used the 1.2 m (47") long sling, or so. For me it is amazing accuracy.
Used his sling for gemsboks huntings.

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Slinghetto of Da Sun

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Dominican Republic
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Re: short or long
Reply #9 - May 17th, 2004 at 5:59pm
I don't really like long slings because I don't like to shot long-rank shots; the thing I search when slinging is accuracy, but some people use long slings and have accuracy.

My short sling is 45cm (18.5 inches) and I'm really comfortable with it  and I have mastered m technique to have accuracy.

Jandro A.K.A. Ra
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Jandro A.K.A. Ra
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Re: short or long
Reply #10 - May 17th, 2004 at 7:01pm
I started out really long myself.  55" then 50" then 45".  I couldn't really get much accuracy with those slings though.  So I made the big jump down to 30"-33" slings.  That's where I'm at now.  I have wanted to try my hand at slings aroudn 25" but the technique must be radically different, because I feel all the power I'm not able to obtain, and get frusterated with them pretty early in practice.  I expect the accuracy could be really great with them though.  I heard about a guy who goes coon hunting with short slings.  I expect the best option is probably found with the Balearics.  They used 3 lengths, and showed that no one sling does everything.  Just as no one gun does everything.  You don't hunt rabbit with a gun designed for big game, or big game with a .22.... 

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