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Flights on sling ammo (Read 5986 times)
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(@")=====@(kirb y boxing)

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Flights on sling ammo
Apr 22nd, 2004 at 8:17pm
I dont know if this is possible but i was thinking of getting some self-hardening caly from the craft store and putting toothpicks with some kind of flight on the back like arrows.  I havent figured out exactly how to throw them but its just a thought.  Let me know if anyone has tried this before or has any advice on how to throw them.
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Rocks don't get stuk in

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Re: Flights on sling ammo
Reply #1 - Apr 22nd, 2004 at 9:35pm
I have tried this concept,the to main problems I had was

1. The flights would get tangeled in sling cord

2. The sling puts a giroscopic affect on it and it won't stablize

If you find an answer to these problems,please post it Grin
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(@")=====@(kirb y boxing)

Posts: 76
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Re: Flights on sling ammo
Reply #2 - Apr 22nd, 2004 at 10:00pm
I am going to try atleast but i dont know if it will work i dont know how to fletch so i think im just gonna use like a piece of duct tape cut to size... I have a good imagination so hopefully ill come up with a creative solution but it'll take some time cuz i dont have any clay at the moment.
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Re: Flights on sling ammo
Reply #3 - Apr 22nd, 2004 at 11:14pm
I'd be tempted to put the "flights" on the sling instead... That ammo is going to have a hard time changing attitude once it leaves the sling (spinning on axis)
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Milwaukee Wisconsin
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Re: Flights on sling ammo
Reply #4 - Apr 23rd, 2004 at 7:43am
Yeah, the sling launch puts so much spin on the missile, that it's already stabilized in flight.   The trick is to launch it so it's stabilized AND flying point-first.   BUT, it's an easy trick to perform, ........at least it's easy to do slinging underhanded.   No clue how easy or hard it might be to do overhanded or side-arm.  mgreenfield
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Re: Flights on sling ammo
Reply #5 - Apr 25th, 2004 at 5:17pm
I really don't see why anyone would want to put flights on a sling bullet. It'll cause only drag and screw up the trajectory as the flight orientates itself.

Saying that ... the Romans used (what is thought) to have been a flighted and weighted arrow from a staff-sling (fustibalus). Now there is a very evident reason for having flights - to get the arrow-head travelling point first!

I might give it a go and merge my two favorite sports (archery and slinging ... especially staff sling!)
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They shrink for fear, abated of their rage,&&Nor longer dare in a blind fight engage;&&Contented now to gall them from below&&With darts and slings, and with the distant bow.&&&&Aeneid 9.503&&
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Interfector Viris Spurii
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Slinging  Viking

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Re: Flights on sling ammo
Reply #6 - Apr 25th, 2004 at 5:25pm
Around here we have river boats, They let a single chain drag behind the boat to keep it straight. I think that this could work with a sling bullet. Not chain but maybe a heavy peace of rope in with the clay to "Drag" behind. This I think would staballize the bullet.  Just an idea
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"A Knifeless man is a lifeless man" Old Nordic Proverb
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Milwaukee Wisconsin
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Re: Flights on sling ammo
Reply #7 - Apr 26th, 2004 at 9:16am
Sean, ....to see what happens to a glande upon launch, I made up some plaster "eggs", each of which I painted half red & half white.   I had hoped to film in slo-mo their launch & flight, but I dont have a camera fast enuf.   

BUT you can eyeball their launch & flight, & easily see that they head downrange in stable flight, small-end first, and with a "rifle-bullet spin" on them.  These "eggs" weigh 80grams each, and I could send you one if you want to experiment.

I know the glandes do the "rifle bullet thing" with my underhand launch.  I'd be interested in what they do when launched overhand & via other styles, so if any of you powerful overhanders want one of these "eggs", give a shout.     mgreenfield
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