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mortar mix ammo (Read 5782 times)

Sling POO its fun!

Posts: 9
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mortar mix ammo
Apr 18th, 2004 at 5:04pm
Hi Im new to both this fourm and slinging. And I just thought I would like to add my to-sense to ammo making. I just recently made ammo with mortar mix I don't know the ratio I mixed with but it was kinda runny any ways I put it in an easter egg Grin and I threw it at my target when it was dry and it exploded! Is there any way of makeing such ammo with out it exploding? Im now trying to put almost microscopic threads into the mix but I don't think it will help much....my brother said to put a peice of wire throught the mix to stop it from breaking would it help? also would making a dry mix help?
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Posts: 509
Milwaukee Wisconsin
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Re: mortar mix ammo
Reply #1 - Apr 18th, 2004 at 5:32pm
...this is a tuff one, & I'm not sure anybody has a real good solution.   Do a search of the site using the word 'glande' or 'glandes', and you'll probably see what I mean.     Welcome to this site & the sport of slinging.   This is a good gang.    mgreenfield
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Gatineau/Ottawa QC, Canada
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Re: mortar mix ammo
Reply #2 - Apr 18th, 2004 at 8:12pm
The "Concrete Bowling Ball"  (http://www.concrete.org/students/stu_competitions_bowl.htm) guys often used fibre reinforcing - either metal or glass/ceramic. The trick for glandes seems to mostly be that the size is so small... Have any of the self hardening clay users tried normal clay? A 25lb block of stoneware should only cost 8-9$, and you should be able to pit-fire them in a bonfire, after which you'd think they'd be darn near indestructible.

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Slinger of stones

Posts: 154
Re: mortar mix ammo
Reply #3 - Apr 18th, 2004 at 11:55pm

   Welcome to the forum. Hope you like it here. Lots of good info here that should help you with your question.
   But for myself, I got to wonder, so whats wrong with exploding ammo Grin Grin Grin.

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Slinging.org Administrator

Slinging Rocks!

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Re: mortar mix ammo
Reply #4 - Apr 19th, 2004 at 12:02am
Welcome learningviolinist,

I'm sure there is info out there on the web for this kind of stuff.  But, you might get lucky here as some of the people have been tinkering with handmade projectiles.  I would think strands of hemp, sisal, or steel wool would do the trick, but I've never tried. 

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Sling POO its fun!

Posts: 9
Gender: male
Re: mortar mix ammo
Reply #5 - Apr 19th, 2004 at 4:38pm
Thanks guys the eggs came out of the mold today and im abou to go and throw them but... I don't know if waiting 24 hours is long enough for them to dry....oh well I can always make more Grin
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Hooked on Sling'n

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Re: mortar mix ammo
Reply #6 - Apr 19th, 2004 at 8:15pm

I have made concrete balls from "high stength concrete mix." It has fibers in it and says to wait 28 days for max strengh. Motar mix is very light weight and soft in comparison. The small stones in concrete give it more mass and strenght. I fill up tennis balls.

There is still too much force from a sling, so unless you use a backstop netting and soft targets they will eventually chip and break.

I have pictures of them in the Gallery and some tips in a  posts about "concrete balls" several months ago.
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