Posts: 509
Milwaukee Wisconsin
So I can report on durability, etc, the material is called "Marblex" Self-hardening Clay. Not cheep, but I sprung the $7 for an experiment. They're drying on a cookie rack on the kitchen counter. We'll see about durability.
Interesting how easy they were to make. 1/ Moosh the clay all together, then make it into a sphere, by rolling it between my two hands. 2/ Using almost the same motion, roll the sphere into a sort-of football, then 3/ flatten the football with a sort-of back and forth hand motion to give the flattened almond shape, somewhat thicker in the middle.
With practice, I figger a person could form 2-3+ glandes per minute. Makes it very likely ancient slingsters preferred using their own custom ammo over picking up the less predictable odd stone. mgreenfield