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rocks (Read 14058 times)
Junior Member

(@")=====@(kirb y boxing)

Posts: 76
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Apr 7th, 2004 at 2:11pm
Does anyone know of a way to make or get rocks to throw quickly and cheaply?  It would be greatly appreciated.
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*shatter* I HIT A WINDOW RUN!!!!!!
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Milwaukee Wisconsin
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Re: rocks
Reply #1 - Apr 7th, 2004 at 2:50pm
I go to a local landscape rock place, pick what I want out of their huge piles of smoother rocks & bring them home at $2.50 for a 5gallon bucket full.

Also, for practice I use tennis balls gotten for free from local tennis club.   The balls look great, but have lost enuf of their pressure to not be useable.   These are about the right weight for me (2oz), and tho they dont go very far, they're still good practice.

Golf balls are OK, but pretty light at just 1.6oz.

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Ex Member

Re: rocks
Reply #2 - Apr 7th, 2004 at 3:47pm
The beach is always a good place to look, if there are any near you.  Always got big round stones.  Perfect.  Also, on the banks of rivers are good, although they tend to be slightly more elliptical.  And there are loads of articles etc on how to make glandes, and cement balls, and all that.  That is about all I can think of at the moment.  If you aren't near the coast, look for some rivers or streams.
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Slinging.org Administrator

Slinging Rocks!

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Re: rocks
Reply #3 - Apr 7th, 2004 at 5:06pm
Ebay!  I'm sure you can find loads of used golf balls or tennis balls on the cheap.  


Just looked on eBay and it seems you could probably pick up 100 or so for about 20 bucks + ~8 for S/H.  Search for "golf balls lot".
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« Last Edit: Apr 8th, 2004 at 1:14am by Chris »  
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Re: rocks
Reply #4 - Apr 7th, 2004 at 9:09pm
And here I am thinking "golf balls are everywhere! who would sell golf balls on ebay?" 3061 listings!!! LOL!
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(@")=====@(kirb y boxing)

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Re: rocks
Reply #5 - Apr 7th, 2004 at 10:19pm
I live about an hour from the beach so ill look next time we go, but i dont think there are many rivers nearby.  Ill have to look into that but thanks for all the ideas.
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*shatter* I HIT A WINDOW RUN!!!!!!
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Just give me a good stone
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Re: rocks
Reply #6 - Apr 8th, 2004 at 2:03pm
Railroad tracks yield plenty of rocks. They're somewhat angular, giving a fun buzzing sound as they fly away... Grin
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Re: rocks
Reply #7 - Apr 13th, 2004 at 1:02pm
take some clay and put a lil water in to make it moldable
then make your prefrence sized balls and cook over a fire.......one time use on hard surfaces.......
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Yahweh Bless you in Yeshua
Interfector Viris Spurii

Matthew 11:25-30

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Re: rocks
Reply #8 - Apr 13th, 2004 at 1:44pm
Look around you......perhaps you can find the materials to construct some sort of rudimentary lathe.......  Undecided

Fleegman Out.
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Blessings in Yeshua!&&
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Re: rocks
Reply #9 - Apr 13th, 2004 at 2:10pm
David just went to a small stream and picked up rocks out there. That's usually my method.  other than that you could probably fill waterballoons with plaster of paris. They won't be perfect but good enough..... just thought of something, What about making them out of ice? You'd have to figure out how to put something in the water to provide traction in the sling pouch but I bet it could be done. Sand or something.
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slingers know how to get
their rocks off

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Re: rocks
Reply #10 - Apr 13th, 2004 at 5:02pm
My little brother has been slinging ice cubes. They tend to stick to the leather pouch slightly after a few warm up shots We started working on ice molds made from plastic easter eggs, but we're still in the R&D phase. At least the ammo is almost free and you don't have to go down range to retreive ammo... I think he's come up with "random irrigation" and if nothing else it gets him away from silly computer games from time to time.
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(@")=====@(kirb y boxing)

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Re: rocks
Reply #11 - Apr 13th, 2004 at 5:18pm
With the ice i wonder if you could just rinse them down with water or dip them in some thing like baby oil that isnt sticky.  that might make your sling smell kinda bad though.  Just a thought
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*shatter* I HIT A WINDOW RUN!!!!!!
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Yahweh Bless you in Yeshua
Interfector Viris Spurii

Matthew 11:25-30

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Re: rocks
Reply #12 - Apr 13th, 2004 at 5:35pm
I can tell you from experience that water balloons can one of the most entertaining ammo choices.  I have slung  some hefty sized balls of water over 200 yrds.   I remember once slinging one up a hill as a mother and daughter were nearing the top on a hike and thinking that there would be absolutely no danger as this rather large water balloon would most likely burst in the pocket, much less make it that far.   Boy was I wrong.   The balloon seemed to act as a long range wireless defibrillator which jump started my frozen heart muscle as the balloon neared the 2 females.   It impacted about 2 feet from the girl's feet and got them both wet!  The strange thing was....they both kept walking with only a cursory glance over the shoulder.   I think that they must've assumed the deed was done by hand from someone hiding along the tree line parallel to their path.   The sling is a vastly superior device for launching water balloons than those overpriced, 3 man rubber slingshots which only launch egg sized water balloons!   I would hate to get hit in the chest with a larger one....it would bowl an male adult over with relative ease! 8)

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Blessings in Yeshua!&&
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slingers know how to get
their rocks off

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Midwest U.S.A.
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Re: rocks
Reply #13 - Apr 13th, 2004 at 5:43pm
I'm not sure if the ice sticking a bit to his pouch helps or not as his style is pretty spastic.  Smell wise at least he hasn't gotten brave enough to try makeing a sling out of my boots or socks. (Trust me on this one...there is a smell worse than death.)
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Junior Member

slingers know how to get
their rocks off

Posts: 99
Midwest U.S.A.
Gender: male
Re: rocks
Reply #14 - Apr 13th, 2004 at 6:19pm
Looks like I need to try fooling with water baloons as sling ammo. In collage we built a 6 man sling shot for fireing baloons full of old guacamoily(sp) that were about the size of a large orange. But that is another story...
Being serious camper I always carry marshmellows and anisse oil for other campers that bug me. Both attract racoons, possems, skunks and alot of other critters. Needless to say a camping area can be cleared of idiots in one night with simple baiting  8).
I can see it now... A group of yo-yo's hearing some things that go thump and or piff  in the night, then the russling a while later when the camp gets invaded by "scarry woodland animals". All done at long range by a guy with a sling , some special ammo and a loathing for games like "flashlight tag"... 
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