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I think it is impossible to entirely braid a sling which is not lovelock. You weave the pouch, not braid. This is incredibly difficult. My ones look a bit loose on the weave. They work well though. The main problem I have is tying off the ends, but it is becoming less of a problem. And I think my string is a bit stiff, so the weave can never be really very close or tight, and I am having difficulty creating nice tools for making the sling, so I have to improvise. So I can't write any kind of article because I won't have any kind of list of tools etc. The easiest part of the sling is the braiding, obviously. I shall write a small forum article on how I make my woven slings. Please remember that I have only just started out. Mark out where you want the pouch to be. Start a three strand braid until you reach a previously marked out point, and add in another three strands, and braid those as you did the three (as in, when a girl has her hair braided, she never braids three individual strands, she braids with long locks together of many hairs). After four or five braids, add in another three strands, and after that, another three, doing the same thing with the strands as you did at the start. Once you reach a certain, pre-marked distance from where you want the pouch to be, separate the strands and clamp them down in a nice fan shape. You should have 12 strands; take one out and weave through the fanned out other strands, consistently, and trying to make it as tight as possible. Keep going until you reach another previously marked place for the end of the pouch, and braid a little, for about two or three braids (as before). Tie off the last three strands you added in. Braid again the same distance, and tie off the second set. Repeat until all you have is your original set of strands. Braid these until you reach the end, and tie it together. That may not make sense, sorry. But it is probably the most coherent way for me to explain how I make these slings with hardly any tools. Study some of the images in the gallery and it might make sense. Some show these type of sling being made.