When I was a young boy I was playing with a slingshot a lot. Sling I know from my father stories, that one was a well known in the region where he was growing up in. I also saw a sling in the movie, I don't remember exactly what the title of that movie is. It was something like "Terie (or Erie, maybe anybody of you knows) dare-devil". But I wasn't able to imagine how it exactly works. I asked my father about it, but he didn't want to tell me how it working, initially. Said that it is a very dangerous toy. But I was pressing him, I wanted to know it very very much, so at least he had retired and told me that.
After that, as you can imagine, my first sling had been created very quickly

Together with my friend, had made two slings of the old leather piece and and common string.
Just in this way our many years' slinging adventure had been started. We both used the overhand release and rather long slings. We hadn't a teacher, so our technique of slinging evolved in the natural way. We rivalled regarding the range and accuracy and taught one from another. We always carried the slings and slingshots in our pockets. Slings were like a heavy artillery

For the release cord protection we used small flattened snap-hooks.
After that years I used sling only a few times. I have came back to slinging last spring. Since this time I have modified a bit my way of range shots. I start from a more open position and more engage the body rotation. I also have improved my accuracy.