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How did you learn to sling? (Read 9800 times)

I love YaBB 1G - SP1!

Posts: 15
How did you learn to sling?
Mar 24th, 2004 at 11:59am
I found it interesting to learn where we are all from.  I would also be interested to know how we all learned to sling and how long we have been slinging.

I learned to sling from my father.  I have been slinging for about 16 or 17 years.  What about you?  Just curious.

I think its great because no matter the method or how long you have been slinging, you are among the elite!  Very few people even know what a sling is!
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Fly, stone, fly

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Re: How did you learn to sling?
Reply #1 - Mar 24th, 2004 at 1:19pm
Well, I sign up in this Forum the 15 Januar, and about one week later I was able to throw my first stone  Wink
So I´m still a beginner. My teachers are all people here in the forum I learn something here and there, put it together to something that fit me.

Ulrica  8)
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May the stones go your way&&&&//Ulrica
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Re: How did you learn to sling?
Reply #2 - Mar 24th, 2004 at 1:31pm
About 6-7 months ago (I'm really bad about estimating time) I was doing searches in the library's database on random topics when I came across the fustibulus.  From there, I got into slings, sling braiding, sling design, etc.  I learned to sling by looking at all the advice I could find online, much of it from this forum, then going out and throwing stuff.  In martial arts, I found that the best teacher was the heavy bag, 'cause if you hit it wrong, it'd let you know.  I figure the same's probably true for slinging.  Once you get all the tips & tricks, there's no substitution for hucking a rock and watching where it goes.  I only just recently found a spot where I can sling regulary and safely, so I'm eager to see how my skill progresses.
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Re: How did you learn to sling?
Reply #3 - Mar 24th, 2004 at 1:46pm
In 1977 I got involved with a group of friends in San Diego, we used to run around the hills and smoke pot  Embarrassed and sling alot.

Went back recently - all the great spots are so populated with hikers that you really can't sling for fear of whacking somebody.

We experimented with all kinds of casts, and even made a big sling which was tied to the wrist, we called Big Bertha, and it threw rocks weighing several pounds...

Crazy days.
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Slinging.org Administrator

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Re: How did you learn to sling?
Reply #4 - Mar 24th, 2004 at 2:03pm
I had known about slings for a while having been interested in ancient and medieval weapons, but it was only after playing Baldur's Gate (the computer game) that I finally decided to make one.  It was made of sisal and a piece of jeans.  It barely worked, but it gave me the enthusiasm to continue and revise my designs until I was producing really nice ones.

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Re: How did you learn to sling?
Reply #5 - Mar 24th, 2004 at 4:21pm
When I was a young boy I was playing with a slingshot a lot. Sling I know from my father stories, that one was a well known in the region where he was growing up in. I also saw a sling in the movie, I don't remember exactly what the title of that movie is. It was something like "Terie (or Erie, maybe anybody of you knows) dare-devil". But I wasn't able to imagine how it exactly works. I asked my father about it, but he didn't want to tell me how it working, initially. Said that it is a very dangerous toy. But I was pressing him, I wanted to know it very very much, so at least he had retired and told me that.

After that, as you can imagine, my first sling had been created very quickly Smiley Together with my friend, had made two slings of the old leather piece and and common string.

Just in this way our many years' slinging adventure had been started. We both used the overhand release and rather long slings. We hadn't a teacher, so our technique of slinging evolved in the natural way. We rivalled regarding the range and accuracy and taught one from another. We always carried the slings and slingshots in our pockets. Slings were like a heavy artillery Smiley For the release cord protection we used small flattened snap-hooks.

After that years I used sling only a few times. I have came back to slinging last spring. Since this time I have modified a bit my way of range shots. I start from a more open position and more engage the body rotation. I also have improved my accuracy.

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In the shape, structure and position of each stone, there is recorded a small piece of history. So, slinging them, we add a bit of our history to them.
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I love YaBB 1G - SP1!

Posts: 17
Re: How did you learn to sling?
Reply #6 - Mar 24th, 2004 at 4:28pm
I learned from the local kids in my Dad's village back in 1980.  He lived in the mountains of central western Greece.  They would use homemade sling shots and slings to kill birds for food.  They also used them for sport, which I found out the hard way.  Seems that they came up with an early from of capture the flag using slings and pomegranates.  The pomegranates would break open and stain your clothes red so it made a good fake blood effect, but hurt like hell.  After a few hits I decided I needed to learn.      
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Re: How did you learn to sling?
Reply #7 - Mar 24th, 2004 at 5:12pm
I started tossing stuff about 20 years ago. Even carried a sling (or three) in my pocket while I was in the army. Most of my platoon carried them as well for spooking what ever oposing force we were up against. Tossing lemons and eggs at people has a great psyclogical effect though the lemons hold up better in ones pockets. Wink
I'm not realy sure what got me started slinging but it sure is a great weapon.  Though I'm out of practice it's still one of the best simple weapons in my humble aray of toys.
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Re: How did you learn to sling?
Reply #8 - Mar 24th, 2004 at 5:13pm
....trial & error & a lot of lousey shots & some reading on the forum to begin with.   Then I got one of Ben's Peruvian slings, and got an idea of what the "right feel" should be for a sling.  This gave me confidence that I could indeed someday make one of the darn things work  Cheesy.   I sling underhanded w a 630deg spin-to-launch.  Accuracy is coming along nicely.  Range/power is good enough for now.   Thanks to Ben for the "Peruvian".     mgreenfield
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Re: How did you learn to sling?
Reply #9 - Mar 24th, 2004 at 5:39pm
...We both used the overhand release and rather long slings...

I have corrected my mistake, there was: "underhand" but should be "overhand".
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In the shape, structure and position of each stone, there is recorded a small piece of history. So, slinging them, we add a bit of our history to them.
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Posts: 119
Mustang, Oklahoma
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Re: How did you learn to sling?
Reply #10 - Mar 24th, 2004 at 6:14pm
My older brother taught me how to sling, I started with green apples. I was about ten years old then, the next few years I used it alot, always had one in my pocket, other friends also used them and we had fun throwing rocks! Now at 55 years of age, I still enjoy it!
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slingers know how to get
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Re: How did you learn to sling?
Reply #11 - Mar 24th, 2004 at 7:24pm
Hey Oscar,
I'll be at the medevil fair in Norman weekend after next. I'll be at booth 89(I think) with a cooler full of adult beverages and a pile of slings. How I got conned into all this I'm still not sure, but I keep telling myself it will be fun. Anyway if you get around to it  or are in the area that weekend it would be nice to bend an elbow with a fellow slinger.
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Re: How did you learn to sling?
Reply #12 - Mar 25th, 2004 at 8:37am
i dont know how i started just oneday about 6 years back my mum bourght me a survival book and i got into survival then primitive survival/living skills so i started makeing the weapons in the book my first sling was a caterpult pocket and a plaited string then it evolved from that
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listen to old people
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Mustang, Oklahoma
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Re: How did you learn to sling?
Reply #13 - Mar 25th, 2004 at 11:14am
I will attend the Medevil Fair if possible, I work a four on, four off schedule, what is the exact date?
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slingers know how to get
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Re: How did you learn to sling?
Reply #14 - Mar 25th, 2004 at 12:54pm
Oscar, It's April 2-4 th. I'll post the location of the booth and a breif discription of what I'll be wearing for this insane weekend.
Britishslinger, welcome to the group.
I teach primative living skills/ woodland skills on the side. It's kind of nice getting paid to go camping
Cheesy I don't like using the word "survival" due to the media connatitions.  OOOh the dreaded "survivleist" geez... I mean realy, survival is something we all try to do from day to day... I'd like to take some of the media folks out for a week just to see how well they do in the bush.  Not that I'm bitter Wink

Also, sorry for my spelling , I can't spell in 5 languages so i just try and get my point across.
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