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Slings w/o Pouches (Read 8245 times)
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Slings w/o Pouches
Feb 5th, 2004 at 4:53pm
I've heard about slings that have no pouch for the cradle, just individual strands that come out of the retention cord braid and go back into the release cord with no weaving or material added, like the one pictured at this forum's home page.  Has anybody experimented with this kind of sling?
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Re: Slings w/o Pouches
Reply #1 - Feb 7th, 2004 at 1:16am
It's called a split pouch or lovelock pouch (after there was one of that style found in Lovelock cave in Nevada).  Those typically have thicker "strips" to better secure the projectile.  But, there are some very utilitarian slings, like the one on the front page, that use only thin cords.  It's far easier to use a pouch that retains it's shape (and is easy to load), so they aren't nearly as prevalent. 

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Re: Slings w/o Pouches
Reply #2 - Feb 7th, 2004 at 6:52am
Jurek also, has his picture and instructions posted on this forum for tying an adjustable length, split-pouch kind of sling quickly out of only a single piece of rope.  It's brilliant, and I wish I could remember which topic heading it was under!
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Re: Slings w/o Pouches
Reply #3 - Feb 7th, 2004 at 11:59am
I did see a design for a sling that was just a rope, folded in half with knots tied in it.  Is that the one you mean?  I also forgot the subject line. 
Since my first post, I came up with a design for a knotted-rope sling that lets me add as many strands to the cradle as I want, as long as it's an odd number.  It works well with tennis balls (I live in the city, so I only get to sling "safe" ammo), and it only takes about 90 seconds to make.  I need to use 7 strands to hold the missile securely, though.  The pic on the front page only uses five and seems fairly secure.  Also, I've seen a sight that says children in Ibiza use slings braided from 3 strands of grass and just leave a section unbraided for the cradle.  I'm trying to replicate something like that.
I've seen Whipartist and Barak's super-slings, and tried the two-strand knotted rope design, but two-strand cradles (except for the wider straps or split cradles, more like the lovelock design) don't seem to work for me.
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Re: Slings w/o Pouches
Reply #4 - Feb 7th, 2004 at 12:38pm
I've seen a sight that says children in Ibiza use slings braided from 3 strands of grass and just leave a section unbraided for the cradle.  .

Hobb, do you remember where did you see that ? Grass?

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Slinging.org Administrator

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Re: Slings w/o Pouches
Reply #5 - Feb 7th, 2004 at 7:27pm
use the search feature in the forum (links above).  Make sure you set the "Max Age since last post"  to like 999 days.

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Re: Slings w/o Pouches
Reply #6 - Feb 7th, 2004 at 10:56pm
Chris -- the search function!  I didn't even notice there was one.  Very cool.  Thanks.

Hondero -- here's the link:
I didn't really investigate the site, I just read it, so I can't vouch for the validity of it, but I thought it was a neat idea.
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Re: Slings w/o Pouches
Reply #7 - Feb 8th, 2004 at 8:13pm
.....not exactly slings w/o pouches, but maybe a possibility.    The photo below shows 2 pouches I made out of simple strip material.

The black one is just 2 strips of leather measuring 1" x 7" punched at each end, then crossed over before being attached to the cords.   It's the crossover that makes a nice slightly cupped pocket.

The spiffy red one is a 15" long strip of 1"wide woven strapping material. twisted 360deg, then ends lapped over 3/4" and sewn securely to make a loop.  More stitching makes "tubes" at the ends of the loop to run cords thru.    The 360deg twist makes the loop cross over in the middle, and that creates the nice slightly cupped pocket as before.

It's not hard to imagine a sling made entirely of a single strip of material (about 12ft long), doubled over on itself to make the cords, and crossed over in the center like these to make a pocket.   A long leather strip could even be shaped along it's length to keep the cords narrow while providing an ample pocket.

FYI, the pockets shown are combined with 1/8" braided nylon cord to create a pair of 35" slings.   They work quite well!   

Maybe the answer to how Ulrica gets her all leather sling, made out of just one piece of leather.  mgreenfield

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Re: Slings w/o Pouches
Reply #8 - Feb 8th, 2004 at 8:39pm

I love it! Veeeery cool!

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In the shape, structure and position of each stone, there is recorded a small piece of history. So, slinging them, we add a bit of our history to them.
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Re: Slings w/o Pouches
Reply #9 - Feb 9th, 2004 at 9:32am
Maybe the answer to how Ulrica gets her all leather sling, made out of just one piece of leather.  mgreenfield

Ahhh. you remember, that is a dream of mine   Cheesy
I haven´t give up on that yet..

they look very nice indeed!

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« Last Edit: Feb 9th, 2004 at 10:48am by Ulrica »  

May the stones go your way&&&&//Ulrica
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Re: Slings w/o Pouches
Reply #10 - Feb 9th, 2004 at 1:32pm
What a neat idea!  The pocket would conform to the missile without having a hole big enough to let smaller stones fall through.  Cool.
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