My wife asked that State Trooper who brings his child to our daycare if he thought his radar gun would work on slingstones.

He told her that he just got one of the new high tech ones but could not really say. I need to set a definate time to meet him an see

He is willing and interested.
Then all we have to do is "FEDEX" Yurek in a box to SC, USA from Poland so he can sling the stones or lead glands while we try to get a reading on them. I wonder if "lead" would record easier than a stone on the radar?? Hey, while we are at it, we could test for a Stylth?, stelth?, shape for our glandes 8)
Got to run but I will ask my wife to ask the trooper for a time. Then we wil at least know how fast this old ex-baseball player can sling a stone. Then you science guys can try to extrapolate my arm mass and length to Yurek's arm and mass --taking into consideration that he has a beard and I do not, of course we Americans have bad jokes

about those from Poland so you would have to consider that factor. One thing that may help is that I too have Polish in my family on may mothers side so that my equalize other factors.

Seriously though I will try to get with this guy before the years end.