Senior Member Past Moderator

Don't stand behind me, I'm about to sling!
Posts: 354
Memphis, TN
-Narrow, straight tapered, leather or heavy nylon pouch -#72 nylon seine twine (very strong, light, workable and non stretch, can be dyed for camo effect) -clips for interchaning different length cords -no metal so it will pass the detectors at the airport (no, you did not hear me insinuate that slings should be used on an aircraft; but, one does not like to be far from one's sling)
All that said, this seems to be a moot question. Literally every sling fits the bill. I can throw long or short with any of my different length slings. Yeah, the long ones go 500 feet, but so what, I could not hit dinner that far away.
Various weight stones can be thrown with almost any sling with practice.
In the end, it is practice that makes a sling an SUV, not an SUV sling that makes for all purposeness or high utilitarian-ness.
All our designs fit the bill in most ways (except maybe the black and white one I made, it really is a hoss. I could throw a five pound stone, but not small ones very well)
Now, I just got back from Wal-mart and was looking at some Spiderwire, the kevlar fishing line. 50 lb test is the size of 12 lb monofilament. If I could do a 16 strand plait it would still be quite thin and the cords would bear 800 lbs. They would be quite aerodynamic. They could be likely to tangle though and maybe not so good. This will take some looking into.
Let us inquire after Ben to tell us of the peruvian slingers and what they use. Maybe some insight will be gained from them since they use slings more than we ever will.
jeff <><