To be sure, I like the toggle. There is no dought that for someone who is new to slinging that letting go of the whole sling can be a problem. I have shown some friends how to throw with one and about half of them will let go of the sling a time or two, after that it's generaly not a problem, as it is easy to use. Still in all I'd hate for someone to throw my sling in a LAKE! UGGH!.

I should make a finger loop sling just to give it a try.

For sure, I did not like a wrist strap, but a finger loop must be much better.

Using a toggle the retension thong exits the hand between the ring and middle finger the fingers being folded at the first joint. At least that is the way I have done it. There is very littel stress on the fingers and one can chunk some fairly large rocks. I've never broken one, even using 1/4" dowel. When I was a kid I always made the toggle from a small diameter branch from a choke cherry tree. They are strong, streight, and easy to peal the bark. So, how does one make a good finger loop? Please help
Me thinks I like this place!
