You guys have inspired me to play with nubers. But I had a little problem with your energy unit [ft/lbs] we mainly use SI metric system and a joule [J = Kg*m*m/(s*s)] is a energy unit.
Physical formula for kinetic energy is:
KE = m * v * v / 2 [J] = [kg*m^2/s^2]
m - mass [kg]
v - velocity [m/s]
On the website: (maybe this site would be interesting for Jeff as archer) I founded the following formula:
KE = (weight / 450240) x (velocity x velocity) [ft/lbs]
weight [grains]
velocity [ft/sec]
I'm not able to estimate the initial velocity of my shots, but it isn' difficult for a medium velocity along the trajectory. I practice a lot for range and recently quite often reach the distances over 300 m. The trajectories of my shots are rather flat (20 - 30 deg maybe), so I estimate that for the range 300 m the way of the stone is about 330 m (trajectory curve lenght). The stone flies about six seconds and its medium mass is 0,12 kg (120 g).
So the
medium velocity between the release point and the drop point is:
MV = 330/6 = 55 m/s = 180 ft/s = 198 km/h = 123 miles/h
I don't know the release velocity and the final one and don't know where the
temporary velocity is equal to the medium one on the trajectory. So I accept a large simplification that in a half of way the stone velocity is about 180 ft/s.
So the impact energy after about 150 m flight is:
0,12 kg = 1851.88 grains
EK = (1852 / 450240) * (180 * 180) =
133 ft/lbs = 182 joules
Of course just after release the stone velocity and energy must be a much greater. I saw the marks on the wall, on tree trunks and others. I'm sure the sling can kill not only men but a big animal too, by body penetration. The stones which hit something stiff are shivering often, sometimes they crak durring the release even.
So I pray that to hit somebody never. I like a power of sling but I don't want use that as weapon. I'm a good boy and I'm afraid that bad boys will play with sling
Quote:I have no doubt at all that it is a ly weapon in the right hands or lucky hands
David, I think it should be rather like this:
"I have no doubt at all that it is a ly weapon in the bad hands or unlucky hands"
