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Grip & Release styles (Read 5840 times)
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Grip & Release styles
Oct 3rd, 2003 at 12:21am
Yurec asked for pics.  Great Idea.  But we might not get a completely clear view of how folks grip and release their slings.  So, how about some descriptions and maybe pics.

Me first:  I make my slings so that the loop goes onto my ring finger and the retention cord lays across my fingers and goes out between my thumb and forefinger.  I put a knot in the release cord.  The knot goes under my thumb as I pinch the cords together.  The knot helps hold the cord during the swing and it works to help keep the pouch even.

When I release, I raise my thumb and turn my hand outward so the cord does not wrap around my thumb as is leaves.  This can be a bit painful and it fouls the release.
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Re: Grip & Release styles
Reply #1 - Oct 3rd, 2003 at 5:00pm
Jeff, thanks for continuation.

I use two kinds of the grips. Both ways make a distance betweem the cords for tangling prevention. They also deload the index finger, this keeps a half of force, but the whrist- and forearm-wind must be more spcious than in your way.

In one of my 2 slings I put my thumb into the loop and the cord runs between the ring finger and the small finger. Defect of this way that tense cord wound my ring finger.

In the second way what I use in my newest sling I put the loop onto my ring finger and the cord goes outside.

I have a problem with my index finger because the release knot wounds this too. So if I'm slinging hardly I often use finger-protectors maded with a stickable bandage. Though the release knot starts about 2x faster than the projectile.

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Re: Grip & Release styles
Reply #2 - Oct 4th, 2003 at 3:18am
This is a good subject.  One of my big questions when I started out.  I've seen Inca men in pictures who have both cords run out the top of their hand.  It seems that between their middle finger and ring finger they run out one end of the sling and hold it there by pressure without a loop.  With their thick cords, tangles aren't very much of a problem. 

The Assyrian wall reliefs show slingers with cords hanging down below their hands too.  I am wondering why such a thing would be standard???  If anyone knows tell me. 

I started out running both cords through the top of my hand while attaching the loop to my little finger.  I used a leather guard to protect my fingers from the bootstring cords I was using. 

Now that I use thicker and softer corded, braided slings, I don't need the guard.  I like using a knot for release because I feel it's a clean release and a secure grip.  I also like having the cords separated from eachother by one finger.  I like using a double loop, as shown in the picture.


I do an 8 strand flat braid worked the same as a 3 strand hair braid.  Outside strand to the middle... for the cords.  Then I bind them together with a single strand of yarn in the right places to make for a good fit.  I find that that braid is by nature very soft and comfortable.  The second loop allows me to sling for a very long time without developing a sore finger.  If not for the double loop system I would use a wrist loop because a single loop gets my middle finger sore.  I like the secure feeling of having the weight of the sling spread across my hand and I'm quite proud to have a hand in the advance of modern slinging technology.


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Re: Grip & Release styles
Reply #3 - Oct 4th, 2003 at 3:33pm
Thus far, I have only used a retention cord that wraps around my middle finger.  Although, I am interested in experimenting with the wrist wrap style on my next sling. 


This loop has worked quite well, except for a minimal amount of chaffing on the top of my knuckle (which I reduced by wrapping the loop with a softer deer skin).  The bone on the release cord has held up fairly well, even with some pretty hard collisions onto rocks lying on the ground.

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