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My Slings and Sling Stones (Read 11670 times)
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Hooked on Sling'n

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My Slings and Sling Stones
Sep 20th, 2003 at 12:05pm
Hey All,

Here are some pics. You can see the hot glue I put on the stitching to keep the sharp concrete stones I throw from cutting thru. I like JeffH's design with "leather ears" I will try it next time. The hot glue also makes a great release node and padding for the rough hemp retaining loop.

The hemp sling is 36" with a 3'x6' pouch. The nylon braid one is 24" for my 11-year old son with a 2'x4' pouch. I found colored braided cord at a camping outfitters store. Both are made of 4 stands and braided as in the "20 Step" instructions.

The "tennis ball" stones come out 2" --about billiard ball size.
The plactic baseball mould comes out 2 3/4" in size.

My longest sling with the smaller one is an unofficial 420'. I paced it out.








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Re: My Slings and Sling Stones
Reply #1 - Sep 20th, 2003 at 1:46pm

Great stuff there!  I love the concrete balls.  I will try this sometime myself.

If you would like to send me your address I will send you a copy of the pouch I make.  I would be delighted to send you one on applique film so you can just stick on and cut out.  The pattern includes exact placements for the holes.  Technically, this may be cheating, but it sure makes for fast layout and cuttting.

Jeff - who does not mind cheating when it comes to laying out stuff.
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So David triumphed over the Philistine with a sling and a stone. (1 Samuel 17:50)
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Don't stand behind me,
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Re: My Slings and Sling Stones
Reply #2 - Sep 20th, 2003 at 11:29pm

How about some detailed instructions on how to make the tennis ball stones.  Maybe if you did it up just right Chris would post it in the Articles section.  I know this is not about historical stuff, but the instructions would be great.

I would think that these would be the best general purpose ammo one could make with.  Stronger than ceramic, I imagine.

Jeff - who wants to make some concrete balls to throw
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So David triumphed over the Philistine with a sling and a stone. (1 Samuel 17:50)
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Slinging.org Administrator

Slinging Rocks!

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Re: My Slings and Sling Stones
Reply #3 - Sep 21st, 2003 at 12:18am
How do those concrete balls hold up?  Have any break on you?

It's certainly article material.  A 3-4 paragraph write up would be sufficient.  You've got pictures all really to go, which is a bonus.

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Hooked on Sling'n

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Re: My Slings and Sling Stones
Reply #4 - Sep 21st, 2003 at 9:47pm
Hey guys,

I am still experimenting. One I slung at a hard compacted dirt/concrete pile and sufferred only  a little nick. Another one skippid off the ground and slambed into my wood fence and broke into three pieces.

Most I have lost before they broke while slining them onto the open dirt field.

When you put the two halfs together they want to come apart at the joint so I am thinking about mabe vibrating them once they are joined.

I will keep you posted and let you know when I come up with what I find to be a good simple system.  David
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Hooked on Sling'n

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Re: My Slings and Sling Stones
Reply #5 - Sep 22nd, 2003 at 10:30pm

For those impatient ones like me: I cut most of the way through the tennis ball, smear a little grease on the inside to prevent possible sticking,mix concrete just wet enough to mould with hands, fill tennis balls full of concrete, squeeze in hands to work out extra concrete until the edges of the tennis ball are touching, shake it up to be sure it is all one solid piece, set over night, carefully pry open, let dry for a day or two. Remember it takes 28 days or so to fully harden. I have slung them in the open dirt field after three days and they don't break.

Happy hunting!
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Liberty dog

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Re: My Slings and Sling Stones
Reply #6 - Apr 7th, 2009 at 10:46pm
i have been wondering how to make molds for ammo......thats the best idea i have see.
good job.
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illumination through target annihilation&&&&moving continents one rock at a time&&&&my sling aches with inaction&&&&hit.....run....hide......the Highland way.
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David Morningstar
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Re: My Slings and Sling Stones
Reply #7 - Apr 8th, 2009 at 2:57am
Good find!
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Posts: 236
Re: My Slings and Sling Stones
Reply #8 - Apr 8th, 2009 at 4:02pm
Must be something in the water these days....I have also been experimenting with making Quikrete glandes but using plastic Easter eggs as molds.  I have it all written up and will be posting it in the "how-to" tutorials section very soon.  It seems pretty much the same as David-T's except for what we used for molds.  A big key here is how long we let them dry, and I only made them yesterday, so I won't know how they hold up for a while yet.
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Cords, pouch, stone, and time -&&Today, just as yesterday,&&Ages stand as one.
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Curious Aardvark
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Re: My Slings and Sling Stones
Reply #9 - Apr 8th, 2009 at 5:14pm
don't leave it in the tennis ball to dry.
Get one of those indented foam fruit box inserts from your local supermarket, and just tap out each ball into a section of those to dry.
That way you just need one tennis ball to make as many concrete balls as you like.

But for me a tennis ball sized concrete ball would be a little big and heavy Smiley
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Do All things with Honour and Generosity: Regret Nothing, Envy None, Apologise Seldom and Bow your head to No One  - works for me Smiley
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Rat Man
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Re: My Slings and Sling Stones
Reply #10 - Apr 8th, 2009 at 9:09pm
4accord, I read on someone else's post here that they tried plastic Easter eggs and the projectiles just fell apart.  I wish I could remember who's it was.  I'll try to find it. Perhaps they didn't let them dry enough. 
    DavitT, I wonder if baking your tennis ball molded concrete projectiles would speed up the drying process.  Have you tried this yet? 
    I found some clay not too far from my house.  I don't know if it's the same quality as the Mullica River clay that's about an hours drive from me, but I think I'll dig some up tomorrow and give it a try.  For starters I'll just form them by hand, and if the clay holds up good enough I'll try some kind of mold.
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Rat Man
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Re: My Slings and Sling Stones
Reply #11 - Apr 8th, 2009 at 9:19pm
Found it!:


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Slinging Rocks!

Posts: 17
  Re: Best shape for ammo
Reply #16 - Yesterday at 7:00pm    Okay, the concrete-filled plastic eggs were a bust, quite literally. Every one of them split in half when slung, so I'm glad I only made 6 of them. The hand shaped ones worked out the best, I'll be making more of those when the weather turns back nice. 

Perhaps he didn't let them dry long enough.  I dunno!
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Posts: 236
Re: My Slings and Sling Stones
Reply #12 - Apr 8th, 2009 at 10:02pm
Well, the real issue is did they dry long enough, and that may depend on the brand of mix he used, length of time, humidity, and temperature...  The type and amount of lubricant may also be a factor, especially how much absorbs into the mix and delays the drying time.  He and I exchanged emails and he said they had dried about 4-5 days and that he was going to try again with a different lubricant.  Others have said a month of drying time may be best.  So, we are both looking at this issue and should have more to share in a few weeks.
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Cords, pouch, stone, and time -&&Today, just as yesterday,&&Ages stand as one.
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Re: My Slings and Sling Stones
Reply #13 - Apr 8th, 2009 at 10:49pm
Yeah, that was me. I really think impatience was my downfall with those. I'm wondering though, since I filled each half then pressed them together if that might have had something to do with it.  Someone else had the idea of casting them as two separate halves then super gluing the halves together, which might be a workable solution.
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