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Here are my slings (Read 15111 times)
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Here are my slings
Sep 18th, 2003 at 11:05pm
Here are the photos of four of my slings. Below is some explanatory text (short version).

Photo 4sling01.jpg shows my recent design with ears to protect the strings. The strings are a round 4 plait, lanyard style using #18 seine twine (mason’s line). If someone is interested, I can send info on how to do the strings.

The pouch is 2” across and about 6 ¼” inside the ears. The string is plaited from the retention loop (4slings02.jpg) first down to the length you want minus half the pouch (this keeps is off the ground.) Then pass two strands thru each side of the pouch. The holes are just big enough to take the strings tightly. But since the leather stretches a bit, I use a small sewing fid with one strand at a time. This goes very quickly using the fid and the leather closes back up quickly as well.

Once the strands are thru the pouch, I continue to plait until the release end is about six inches longer than the retention end. I then whip it off and tie a release node as desired (4slings03.jpg). Then I sew up the ears on the pouch and there you have it (4slings04.jpg and 4slings06.jpg). This all takes several hours to complete from beginning to end, but makes a nice sling.

I use leather for the pouch. Any leather that is soft enough to stretch a bit and hold the projectile will do.

I use AutoCAD to draw the pouches. I print them on drafting appliqué film which I stick onto the leather. The pattern has the outline as well as the holes. This helps cut it out and punch the holes. If anyone is interested in the pattern, I could print some out and mail them with some instructions. (I will have to think about whether I could do this for free.) Additionally, I could potentially draw other patterns for people and print them on appliqué film.


Jeff - who is sorry for those who still use dial-up
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So David triumphed over the Philistine with a sling and a stone. (1 Samuel 17:50)
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Slinging.org Administrator

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Re: Here are my slings
Reply #1 - Sep 18th, 2003 at 11:23pm
Pretty nifty design.  I like how the material is folded over at the ends to surround the cord.  Stitching it through the pouch looks cool and adds reinforcement.  Are those hand-braided cords, or did you just buy pre-braided? 

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Re: Here are my slings
Reply #2 - Sep 18th, 2003 at 11:26pm

Very nice looking slings! They look similar to the ones I made from the "20 Steps to a Sling" The protective ears on the ends is a good idea. I had to run a bead of hot glue over the edges to keep the sharp concrete from cutting the cords stitched thru the edges. I need to get my son to show me how to post pictures of my slings.
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Re: Here are my slings
Reply #3 - Sep 18th, 2003 at 11:30pm
I hand plaited them myself.  It is round 4 plait, boyscout lanyard style.  I learned the plait to make the sling.  It is pretty simple.  As I wrote above, I can send instructions on how to do the entire thing.  I found the instructions on the web, but don't remember where.  I modified the pouch, but otherwise it is a borrowed idea.

You have to plait your own in this design to make the strands go thru the pouch.

This design could easily be modified to use cords of other type so that the cord sewed into a modified ear section.  The cord could be plaited leather or thong.  In this scenario, tho, the pouch would have no reinforcing along the edges.

Jeff <><
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So David triumphed over the Philistine with a sling and a stone. (1 Samuel 17:50)
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Re: Here are my slings
Reply #4 - Sep 19th, 2003 at 8:32am

I believe that "20 Steps" is where I got my instructions.  Could not remember before.  Tieing the knots at the ends of the pouch was way to difficult to get even, and left the string very exposed.   Hence the extended ends and ears.  Otherwise the sling is pretty much per the instructions.

Jeff <>< - who likes to give credit where due
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So David triumphed over the Philistine with a sling and a stone. (1 Samuel 17:50)
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Re: Here are my slings
Reply #5 - Sep 19th, 2003 at 8:44am
Nice job Jeff! 

The slings are lookin' good!  I really like the way you wove the cords through the edge of the pouch. 

Out of the four pouch shapes you posted above, do you have a favorite?  Maybe one that seems to hold a stone better than the others perhaps?


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Re: Here are my slings
Reply #6 - Sep 19th, 2003 at 3:21pm

In the first pic, from the top, numbers 1, 3 & 4 are exactly the same design.  Stringing the pouches in combination with different stiffnesses of the leather used causes some slight variations in the shape.

Pouch #2 is the same except I made it a bit larger to take two rows of string on each side.  I did this because I used 8 strands instead of 4 for the cord.

Otherwise, these are all the same design and construction.  I don't really have a favorite yet because I don't get to use them enough to tell.  However, I do find the 8 string cords to be easier to handle in general.  I have thrown some very large stones a long way with #2.

Jeff - who is still learing about slings
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« Last Edit: Sep 19th, 2003 at 9:22pm by JeffH »  

So David triumphed over the Philistine with a sling and a stone. (1 Samuel 17:50)
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Re: Here are my slings
Reply #7 - Sep 19th, 2003 at 6:04pm
Jeff, I like your job too. The precise handiwork and the nice stuff. I see You are like a big factory Wink

IMHO David is right, if you want to make the hard ball-firing with stones, the edge cords should be impregnated inside of the pouch. It would be pity to waste your effort.

Jurek, who like acute firing Wink
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In the shape, structure and position of each stone, there is recorded a small piece of history. So, slinging them, we add a bit of our history to them.
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Sean Kerr

Re: Here are my slings
Reply #8 - Sep 22nd, 2003 at 9:23am
Hi Jeff,
         I like the design and I've been itching to learn how to braid such slings.  It would be great if you could send me the instructions.



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Re: Here are my slings
Reply #9 - Sep 22nd, 2003 at 6:18pm
If you can put together a substantive write-up, i'll post it in the articles section. 

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Don't stand behind me,
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Re: Here are my slings
Reply #10 - Sep 22nd, 2003 at 9:20pm

I am working on the text as you read this.  I will make a sling and get some pics to add to the article.

Jeff <><
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So David triumphed over the Philistine with a sling and a stone. (1 Samuel 17:50)
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Hooked on Sling'n

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Re: Here are my slings
Reply #11 - Sep 22nd, 2003 at 11:24pm
Hey Sean and others,

This is David T and I was up till 4am a few months back trying to find a web site that had easy to follow instructions on how to braid  knots... like the ones used in braiding a sling. The one that made my day can be found be doing a Goggle search for "Twist to Braid" It is the one with blue and red illustrations by Willeke

It was by far the easiest one to follow.
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Slinging.org Administrator

Slinging Rocks!

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Re: Here are my slings
Reply #12 - Sep 22nd, 2003 at 11:40pm
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Hooked on Sling'n

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Re: Here are my slings
Reply #13 - Sep 22nd, 2003 at 11:42pm
Me again,

I just tried that goggle search and never found the site.
I typed in "Twist to Braid Tables" and it came up at the bottom of the first page as Twist to Braid. I am computer dumb so I don't know why. At any rate, it is the one with www.home.zonnet.....
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Hooked on Sling'n

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Re: Here are my slings
Reply #14 - Sep 22nd, 2003 at 11:44pm
You got it Chris!!
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