I'm an old time reader of the MEN. My mother was a subscriber back in the early '80's. They have changed thier format drasticly since then. It's one of the reasons that I don't subscribe to them.
Yep they had articles on Slings, Bowguns, Crossbows,Making your own knives etc.
This is one of the reason the older issues are such hot commodities in the homesteader and serious back to nature/self sufficent communities as compared to the feel good yuppie stuff they are currently producing.
yes go to thier webpage and use the search function it'll call up previous articles.
Marc Adkins
slinginginmass wrote on Sep 30
th, 2007 at 12:48pm:
Having read Mother Earth News I am having trouble believing that they would have an article about any kind of weapon, even a sling. I'm interested in ''green'' energy solutions and sustainable agriculture so I have read quite a few copies and I never saw anything about slings, Im going to see if they have an archive somewhere.