General >> Introductions >> Can anyone sling??

Message started by Spencer on Mar 19th, 2004 at 6:52pm

Title: Can anyone sling??
Post by Spencer on Mar 19th, 2004 at 6:52pm
I am new to the website, I like it.  I loved all the articles concerning how to sling.  But then I looked at the videos and nearly everyone used a sling incorrectly (according to my standards).  No one threw it very powerfully and most had terrible form.  This leads me to wonder if anyone knows how to sling here?  I am also surprised to hear people say they can throw a sling further underhand than overhand.  NO WAY! This just contributes to my belief that very few people know how to sling.  I would love to hear distances that people are throwing underhand.

The last time I threw (not my best sling) the rock went about 500-600 feet.  Not a great sling, but after seeing the videos posted I would be very surprised if anyone one of them could throw that far.

I dont mean to sound antagonistic...I really enjoy this site...but can anyone REALLY sling here?  And how far are you slinging?

Title: Re: Can anyone sling??
Post by Douglas on Mar 19th, 2004 at 7:16pm
I sling overhand and in a pirouette style, not a fan of underhanding myself.

How do you measure your distance? How can you find sling stones that have fallen 500-600 feet away?

Title: Re: Can anyone sling??
Post by Yurek on Mar 19th, 2004 at 7:28pm
Welcome Spencer!

I think that everyone here is learning slinging yet. We have different experiences, but I'm sure everyone have great fun with slinging. Anyway, we need new experiences, so share yours please.

The last time I threw (not my best sling) the rock went about 500-600 feet

You surely mean 500-600 yards. Yeah, we have one guy here, who almost equals you. His name is Larry Bray. He can send a rock at 483 yards.


Title: Re: Can anyone sling??
Post by Johnny on Mar 19th, 2004 at 8:42pm
Please "enlighten" us, O Great One.......on how to sling.
If you're slinging at 500/600 feet, that is just average.
If you're slinging at 500/600 Yards, that's incredible.

Title: Re: Can anyone sling??
Post by David_T on Mar 19th, 2004 at 9:29pm
Hey Spencer Boy,

Nothing like arrogance to make the stomach of decent people turn! I doubt anyone here will enjoy much you have to say if it resembles your first attempt.
Wise men seek instruction and increase in wisdom, arrogant people learn very little, for they foolishly think they know it all.

I found this site shortly after it opened in August and I have enjoyed seeing new people from all over the globe join in on a weekly basis. We have often seen things differently but have had fun asking questions and offerirng our two cents.
We also have two world record sling distance holders contributing. I must say, they both have 100x more "bragging rights" than you, but they have humbly joined in the forum and shared their stories without ragging on everyone else.

I will reserve forming my final opinion of you until after your next post. Did you fall out of bed this morning and bump your head?  ;D We all have bad days. Come on man , learn some humility!

Title: Re: Can anyone sling??
Post by WalkingBird on Mar 20th, 2004 at 9:04pm
   Welcome to the forum. Hope you enjoy it here. There is lots of good information being shared here, and lots of new people learning new things.
   I'd hate for you to think that no one here really knows how to sling, because some are working on accuracy, a few on distance, some on new ideas for sling development, some just learning, some are interested in the history of the sling, and some on sling construction methods. There is more going on here than just distance. I'm 48 years old and can still sling a fist sized rock more than a 100 yrds, and a three oz or so sized stone much more than that.
  Anyway, I hope you poke around some more and get to know some of thies people, their all good folks, and they will add some new demensions to your slinging experence.

once again, welcome to the forum.


Who is glad Spencer is on the forum.

Title: Re: Can anyone sling??
Post by Larry B. on Mar 20th, 2004 at 11:46pm

I am a newcomer to this forum also.  I immediately realized after reading a few posts that many of the folks here were much more knowledgeable in many aspects regarding the sling than I.  I maybe exceeded most of them in distance (if you let me count a throw that is over 20 years old) but they surpassed me in sling building skill and historical knowledge.

I swallowed my pride years ago when I realized my arm was no longer getting stronger with the passing of time, but weaker.   I don't know how far I can throw these days but I know I can still make a golf-ball sized stone disappear from sight.  Participating in this forum has inpired me to do some preparation and see if re-establishing the record this summer is realistic.  I feel that I have improved technique, slings, and ammo that might make up for the throwing power that I have lost in the 23 years since my original record.  I have always used an overhand delivery with sometimes a few slow spins of the sling before the final hard "pull" on the final spin before release.  

I have not used an underhand delivery except for a little goofing off trying to skip stones on water and such.  For me it is not nearly as effective for distance as the overhand delivery.  A week ago my 13 year old son and I were throwing at an abandoned gravel pit.  We threw for distance for a bit then decided to try to hit an old chunk of scrap metal about 75 yards away.  As I have related previously on this forum, I can scare the heck out of you from 100 yards away but I probably won't hit you except by pure luck.  After a few overhand throws that were within 20 feet or so of the target, I tried an underhand delivery and hit within 5 feet on the first throw!  My respect for the "underhanders" on this forum immmediately soared.  

I have not seen Yurek's technique but if it is bad and he is still throwing 500 meters, the rest of us might as well give up now.  Maybe I can sign on with Yurek as a "Technique Coach" just so I can be involved somehow in the new record that I predict will be set this summer.


Title: Re: Can anyone sling??
Post by english on Mar 21st, 2004 at 5:18am
If everyone on this site was truly not good at slinging, then surely this entire forum would be a waste, due to everyone simply recounting failed slinging attempts.  And evidently the people on this site ARE slinging correctly, else they wouldn't love slinging so much, because they would basically be crap, and so would not enjoy it.  
 I can sling ok... doing a little target shooting.  I am attempting to learn how to slinghunt at the moment, and I have found that the easiest method for this is an overhand single swing, as it alerts the animal to your movement less, as there is less movement, and there is near instant release, so if the game is there when you aim, it will be there when you release.  But in a range contest, I would say that underarm is better than overarm.  Perhaps you merely need to learn to sling underarm better.  I was rubbish at underarm slinging when I first tried it, (still am, really), but once I managed to get some consistency of release, I could sling further underarm than over.  I have no accurate measurements, but it would not be out of the ordinary to throw a stone about 200 metres.  I am still an advocate of the overarm, but the underarm is certainly better at range shooting.
And how long have you been slinging Spencer?  We would all like to hear some stories from you, as we do with everyone.

Title: Re: Can anyone sling??
Post by David_T on Mar 21st, 2004 at 10:30am
Yes Sir,

It is a fun place and we all really do love to hear new stories and slinging experiences!! Sounds like you must have some--what part of the globe are you from?  how'd you get into slinging?

Title: Re: Can anyone sling??
Post by Larry B. on Mar 21st, 2004 at 11:02am

I have wondered about how much power could be generated with an underhand delivery.  The best underhand fastpitch softball pitchers attain velocities approaching those of baseball pitchers.  I think (maybe I'm wrong) that most slingers who try for distance favor an overhand delivery but it seems to put more stress on the shoulder joint and is a more "whole body" technique.  By that I mean that is is easier for angular motion of the body to contribute to the power of the throw.  I do a spin and generate body angles that allow me to get a longer "pull" on the sling during the final 270 degrees before release.  I haven't devised a technique that allows this underhand.  


Title: Re: Can anyone sling??
Post by Douglas on Mar 21st, 2004 at 1:07pm
Looks like Spencer hasn't replied. Could he be a troll?  ???

Title: Re: Can anyone sling??
Post by sparticus on Mar 21st, 2004 at 4:14pm
Hmmm....Spencer, away put your weapon we mean you no harm.

Remember that you must unlearn what you have learned.

Try not, do, or do not.

Title: Re: Can anyone sling??
Post by Spencer on Mar 22nd, 2004 at 2:01pm
Wow, thanks for the replys; honestly!  I am humbled.  I truly do not think I am the best slinger around...maybe even below average, I dont know.  I suppose I meant to be a little controversial in order to get a good response, but I truly am curious about people's throwing styles and distances.

I KNOW there are some great slingers out there, I guess I was just unimpressed with the videos I saw.  But I suppose this comes from the fact that I have always felt there is one superior way to sling, the overhand sling.  I've always felt it is more powerful, and more accurate.  I will try and post a video this weekend, and I would honestly love to hear some criticism, so that I could improve.

If there is a couple of world record holders on here, how do they sling...overhand, underhand?

I hope you can accept me as a member; I am all about promoting the wonderful skill known as sling throwing!

Title: Re: Can anyone sling??
Post by Whipartist on Mar 22nd, 2004 at 2:23pm

Well then welcome to the forum  :)  It looks like many others already have  ;)  

Larry is the world record holder.  Jurek may break it this Summer.  He already has, unofficially.  They both use a sidearm or overarm technique.  I prefer it too, through I'm no distance champion.  The Balearics were famous for underhand technique, and they used to be considered the best, so technique is sort of up in the air.  Slingers tend to get good at what they practice and focus on it seems.

So by overhand, do you mean straight over the top in a vertical motion?  Or horizontal windup with baseball pitch release?

I hope you enjoy the forum.  


Title: Re: Can anyone sling??
Post by Spencer on Mar 22nd, 2004 at 2:39pm

The technique I use is not a simple vertical overhand throw.  It is much like a baseball throw, where the sling is simply an extension of the arm.  So the motion of the sling actually slings back and then partially behind the head before whipped forward and slung.  I imagine that this is the same technique that the world records must be using.  If not, I would be very interested to see how they use a sling.

I have been slinging since I was 8 or 9, my father taught me.  His father taught him, and so on as far as we know.  So, I at least know that the technique I use is a good one used for many generations, if nothing else.

Title: Re: Can anyone sling??
Post by Ulrica on Mar 22nd, 2004 at 4:38pm
Welcome Spencer!

I didn´t like your first Post, but now you seems to be a nice guy after all  ;)

I know I can not sling very well, but it is so much fun, so I just can not stop it now when I started. I´m still testing different ways to throw away those stones, that now after the snow has melt away, laying almost everywhere on the ground.
I never seen so many nice small stones before  ;D

Wish you a good time here in Forum!!


Title: Re: Can anyone sling??
Post by Spencer on Mar 22nd, 2004 at 5:39pm

Where are you from?  The snow is only on the mountain tops here, in Utah.  I am originally from Arizona, but I am enjoying the mild spring whether now!

The lakes are melting are the water is calling to my sling.  I need to make ripples.  

So, how did you learn how to sling?  

Title: Re: Can anyone sling??
Post by Whipartist on Mar 22nd, 2004 at 5:50pm

So if you're right handed, it must travel over your left shoulder before you whip it around, right?  I was wondering if you were having good success with a full overarm style throw, because I've had limited power but good accuracy with that technique.

That's cool to have that skill handed down through the generations like that.


Title: Re: Can anyone sling??
Post by Spencer on Mar 22nd, 2004 at 6:42pm

I have tried to teach a few people to sling...and I always say it is just like throwing a baseball.  (Not a stiff-armed gernade throw).  It is difficult to put in words, but the sling does indeed, when slinging right handed, travel behind my left shoulder at nearly a parellel position to the back for a split second, but then travels at an angle of about 170 degrees (measuring from the ground) as it travels over my right shoulder.  The degree at which it travels over the right shoulder is personal preference of course, as some prefer side armed and some may prefer nearly straight over the shoulder.

I have to admit that I have never done too much target practice to judge my accuracy, but I feel fairly comfortable saying I know generally where and how far my projectile will hit.  Accuracy is definitely an area I could use some help in.  

Title: Re: Can anyone sling??
Post by David_T on Mar 22nd, 2004 at 10:21pm
Hey there Spencer,

Did you look at the videos I made under the "Articles" section? Your overhand style sounds like the one I use. There are about 5 different styles we videoed. Check them out if you have not already.

We would enjoy any videos you can send to Chris--the top dog of this forum. He will get them ready to post.

Title: Re: Can anyone sling??
Post by Ulrica on Mar 23rd, 2004 at 2:55am

wrote on Mar 22nd, 2004 at 5:39pm:

Where are you from?  The snow is only on the mountain tops here, in Utah.  I am originally from Arizona, but I am enjoying the mild spring whether now!

The lakes are melting are the water is calling to my sling.  I need to make ripples.  

So, how did you learn how to sling?  

Hi again Spenceer!

I´m from the middle of Sweden.
But I shouldn´t have written that about the snow. Someone didn´t like that and made it snow during the night. So now the ground again are white  :(

Well, I started sling when I happened to found this Forum. I think it was in Januar or Februar this year.
If you surf around some and read old posts you will found out more.. I like , no , I love the books over Ayla. you know; Clan of the cave beer and those books. And this Ayla is a great slinger... But until I found this Forum I never had the Idea I could also make it a try..
And know I´m catch by it.  ;D

Well... Work is calling. Have a great day!


Title: Re: Can anyone sling??
Post by Spencer on Mar 23rd, 2004 at 1:00pm
I would like to make a public apology to David T.  I guess I had missed the videos that you posted.  Your many different styles of slinging are good and very interesting.  A couple of the styles were very similar to the style that I use, however something is different about our styles that I cant quite pin point.  I hold my sling and point it towards my target as demonstrated in your "Greek Style."  My sling is most similar to your 45' sling style, except that I dont use multiple swings to build up momentum.  Still something is different because with the path I follow with one sling I am able to build up more than enough momentum to sling a rock at "buzzing" speeds.

Like I said, I dont know quite what is different.  Something about the path my sling takes behind my head.

Anyway, I just wanted to say that your styles are quite good.  Thanks for pointing out your videos.

Title: Re: Can anyone sling??
Post by The_Peltist on Mar 23rd, 2004 at 1:19pm
I kinda do this weird thing when I sling, I'm self taught, so nobody laugh. I'll start with the sling hanging from my hand then just whip it up forward around to the left of my head (i'm right handed) then go into the baseball throwing motion while turning my torso 1/4 turn counter clockwise while I take a step forward, just like a pitcher on the mound. It gets great speed and accuracy but is horrible for the shoulder/elbow. Just thought I'd share that since I have'nt been here for a while...... I also do a sidearm release when I get tired.

Welcome to the boards Spencer.


Title: Re: Can anyone sling??
Post by Douglas on Mar 23rd, 2004 at 4:42pm
Spencer: I too belong to the overhand camp. I think there is both power and accuracy in it. I start with the loaded sling behind me and to the right. With no windup I simply throw it baseball-style.

And I've been at it for 20 years.  ;)

Title: Re: Can anyone sling??
Post by Hobb on Mar 23rd, 2004 at 6:38pm
I've only been throwing for a few months (and don't get to sling nearly as often as I'd like), but I throw overhand too.  I spin the sling several times before releasing, but not to build up momentum -- I just do it to get a feel for the rock in the pouch, and to make sure it's not gonna fly off behind me (I've got a couple of slings with 5-strand split cradles that can let missiles slip).  I'm starting to notice that slinging with wind-ups is more tiring.  When my arm begins to fatigue, I stop messing around before the release.

Title: Re: Can anyone sling??
Post by David_T on Mar 23rd, 2004 at 9:17pm
Hey Spencer,

By your first comments, I did not think you had looked at my videos. In the videos, I was trying to show the different styles I had read about in the forum--they are not origional to me! I slung my first stone in August. You sort of rubbed me the wrong way by "knocking" my buddies ;D ;D All is cool 8) We are easy to get along with.

I agree with you, I almost always use no wind up spins. My predominate style is that of video #1

I told everyone months ago that I was going to get a state trooper with a radar gun to try to get a reading on the speed of a projectile. I still plan on doing that if we can coordinate our time. I want to see the speed of overhand vs underhand.

Title: Re: Can anyone sling??
Post by Whipartist on Mar 23rd, 2004 at 9:39pm

I for one would appreciate those velocity tests.  I'm glad you're planning on it.  I'm not really aware of any good stats on how fast slingstones do travel.  Most of the #'s I've heard sound low.


Title: Re: Can anyone sling??
Post by Douglas on Mar 24th, 2004 at 1:52pm

wrote on Mar 23rd, 2004 at 6:38pm:
 I spin the sling several times before releasing, but not to build up momentum -- I just do it to get a feel for the rock in the pouch, and to make sure it's not gonna fly off behind me (I've got a couple of slings with 5-strand split cradles that can let missiles slip).

I often do a little pendulum thing before my baseball cast, acheives exactly the same purpose.  :)

Title: Re: Can anyone sling??
Post by nwmanitou on Mar 26th, 2004 at 12:08pm
Hey spencer.. just read in your post that you are in Provo Utah. Well that makes two of us.... I would certainly be interested in seeing your technique. I'm just connecting the dots but... are you LDS and if so, did you serve a mission in Ogden, Ut? Just asking because your swing sound similar to mine, and I taught it to about a dozen guys in while serving a mission in Ogden a few years back.

Title: Re: Can anyone sling??
Post by Spencer on Mar 26th, 2004 at 2:00pm

No mission in Ogden, sorry.  But I did serve one in Edmonton, Canada.  I have been slinging since I was little.  I learned from my dad.  

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